Monday, January 06, 2014

From Milton, Plate 26

Milton, Plate 26 [28],(E 123) 
"And these the Labours of the Sons of Los in Allamanda
And in the City of Golgonooza: & in Luban: & around 
Where Souls incessant wail, being piteous Passions & Desires 
With neither lineament nor form but like to watry clouds 
The Passions & Desires descend upon the hungry winds 
For such alone Sleepers remain meer passion & appetite; 
The Sons of Los clothe them & feed & provide houses & fields 

And every Generated Body in its inward form, 
Is a garden of delight & a building of magnificence, 
Built by the Sons of Los in Bowlahoola & Allamanda 
And the herbs & flowers & furniture & beds & chambers 
Continually woven in the Looms of Enitharmons Daughters 
 In bright Cathedrons golden Dome with care & love & tears 
For the various Classes of Men are all markd out determ inate 

In Bowlahoola; & as the Spectres choose their affinities 
So they are born on Earth, & every Class is determinate 
But not by Natural but by Spiritual power alone, 
Because The Natural power continually seeks & tends to 
Destruction Ending in Death: which would of itself be Eternal Death 
And all are Class'd by Spiritual, & not by Natural power.

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